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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I'm a little disappointed with the way some of my classes are behaving lately. They did not do well for the exams, yet they don't see the need to change certain kinds of attitude and behaviour they now have in class.

What more can I do? I'm at a loss now.

Have I not done enough?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


And yes, exams are finally over!

Isn't it a relief to finally not mug night after night anymore? Of course, all of you still have your final year exams to think about soon, but then it's alright to take a breather first isn't it? =)

I've been wondering lately, what makes a good teacher? Now, there are many different definitions of the word "good". Some of you may associate "good" with "likeable", whereas others might think "good" = "teaches well/I can totally understand the lesson".

Do you have other definitions of what makes a good teacher? Do let us know by leaving a comment in this post. Tell us what you think a good teacher is like and, if possible, tell us if you have a specific good teacher in mind (either in primary school or secondary school).

I'll be waiting for your comments... =)


Comment away.........................