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Wednesday, May 13, 2009


And yes, exams are finally over!

Isn't it a relief to finally not mug night after night anymore? Of course, all of you still have your final year exams to think about soon, but then it's alright to take a breather first isn't it? =)

I've been wondering lately, what makes a good teacher? Now, there are many different definitions of the word "good". Some of you may associate "good" with "likeable", whereas others might think "good" = "teaches well/I can totally understand the lesson".

Do you have other definitions of what makes a good teacher? Do let us know by leaving a comment in this post. Tell us what you think a good teacher is like and, if possible, tell us if you have a specific good teacher in mind (either in primary school or secondary school).

I'll be waiting for your comments... =)


Comment away.........................


kanochromia said...

a good teacher to me means that... someone who is passionate about teaching and does not teach just for the sake of teaching as a job or for salary. Someone who is a good teacher patiently does something for his/her students which helps them expose their talents in several areas their good at but also helps them to improve in other areas, giving support to help his/her students excel. At the end of the day, although salary might be small, the great feeling of having someone you taught excel is better than the money itself.


{inspiration from the french movie lés choristés !!}

Anonymous said...

Hey ms teo, i am hui see. I think a good teacher must know her students' weak points and try to tell them. And also make the lessons fun too... It will be better to have the teacher to talk to the student privately and ask about the lessons. Or, you can learn from Mdm. Karima by doing the self- reflection thingy. You can ask the whole class about that. Because all the reflections from us were from our bottom of our heart, what we felt about 1/3. Anyway, it is sometimes freaky!!!