Want samples? Here you go!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Felt a little desolate walking out of class today. Don't think I taught much and they understood much.


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Of Revival

Yup, I'm back.

Was feeling kinda down and tired recently of work, that's why I chose not to post anything here. It's not exactly teaching that I'm tired of, but more of the work involved and the way some students behave.

But yes, I'm back with a vengence and I really really hope I can make a difference in some of your lives. You don't have to tell me if I made a difference in your life, but please tell me if I don't ok? =)

I've been thinking about my classes this March hols and I realised I haven't done the best I can with them.

Therefore this is what I propose:
I will have consultation slots every Monday and Friday afternoon from 2.30pm to 5.30pm (last order at 5pm!). Anyone who wants to ask me anything regarding your class assignments/tests/exam is welcome to book a slot with me.... And yes I mean you guys from 2/3, 2/4 and 3M! So don't pretend and look away... I'M WATCHING YOU.

Anyway. I really hope you guys had a good break (yes, yes, I know, what break, you say. You have mountains of homework to clear all week right?), both mentally and physically. It's going to be a short run to the exams now so please hang on and let's work together ok? =)

EL MYE ---> 30 April

Comment away.....................

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I'm disappointed. At some students.

Sometimes I wonder what is it that students want out of school. Yes you study, but is that so boring such that you have to resort to stupid antics to attract attention to yourself?

I'm really exhausted.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Of Contentment and Disappointment

How was your level camp guys? Fun?

I hope you had fun, because I did! :) I went to the Sec 2 camp and yup it was very heartwarming indeed to see so many of you enjoying yourselves. I hope whatever you've learnt during camp (values, skills etc) will be used on challenges you might face in your life...

As much as I like to stay happy and contented with the camp, I can't help but feel upset at a certain piece of news I heard about another level camp. I'm upset at the people directly involved in the event, but even more so, I'm extremely disappointed with a certain someone whom I would never have thought will help the perpetrator do his deed. I hope he knows what he did was wrong...

All in all, it has been a rather fun 3 days and 2 nights, so now... let's get ready for school! :)

Comment away..................................