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Friday, January 29, 2010

Of Contentment and Disappointment

How was your level camp guys? Fun?

I hope you had fun, because I did! :) I went to the Sec 2 camp and yup it was very heartwarming indeed to see so many of you enjoying yourselves. I hope whatever you've learnt during camp (values, skills etc) will be used on challenges you might face in your life...

As much as I like to stay happy and contented with the camp, I can't help but feel upset at a certain piece of news I heard about another level camp. I'm upset at the people directly involved in the event, but even more so, I'm extremely disappointed with a certain someone whom I would never have thought will help the perpetrator do his deed. I hope he knows what he did was wrong...

All in all, it has been a rather fun 3 days and 2 nights, so now... let's get ready for school! :)

Comment away..................................

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