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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Funny English

Grammar Rules for the Unenlightened
(Or: How to write goooooooodddd...)

Do not use no double negatives.

Don't never use no triple negatives.

No sentence fragments.

Stamp out and eliminate redundancy.

Avoid cliches like the plague.

All generalisations are bad.

Take care that your verb and subject is in agreement.

A preposition is a bad thing to end a sentence with.

Avoid those run-on sentences that just go on and on, they never stop, they just keep rambling and you really wish they would hurry up and get to the point, but no, they just keep going and these sentences, they just never stop, they go on forever... if you get my drift...

You should never use the second person.

The passive voice should never be used.

Excessive use of exclamation marks can be disastrous!!!

Remember to end each sentence with a full-stop

Do not use commas, which aren't necessary.

Do not use question marks inappropriately?

Don't be terse.

Do not obfuscate your writing with extraneous verbiage.

Avoid those despicably horrible, outrageously repellent exaggerations.

Proofread carefully to see if you any words out.


Can anyone tell me why this piece is funny? Try explaining by either leaving a comment on this post or on the tagboard, and use examples to explain. :)

Comment away..............

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